Over the years, I have participated in several "mom" email lists, sharing "mom" ideas and resources. I have saved every email I ever wrote and will now use them to have more formalized "share time". Everything I post will be real life lessons, learned the hard way: at IEP and courtroom tables.
Accommodations: Accommodations Manual
The Council of Chief State School Officers – Accommodations Manual: How to Select,
Administer and Evaluate Use of Accommodations for Instructions and Assessment of
Students with Disabilities.
Accommodations: Accommodating Children with Special Dietary Needs in the School
Accommodating Children with Special Dietary Needs in the School Nutrition Programs,
United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service, Guidance for
School Food Service Staff (2001)
Assessment: The Least Dangerous Assumption: A Challenge to Create a New Paradigm
Jorgensen, Cheryl, The Least Dangerous Assumption: A Challenge to Create a New
Paradigm, Disabilities Solutions (Fall 2005), © Creating Solutions. This article is reprinted
with permission from Disability Solutions, Vol. 6, Issue 3. For more information, visit
Assessment: Tests and Measurements for the Parent, Teacher, Advocate and Attorney
Wright, P., Tests and Measurements for the Parent, Teacher, Advocate and Attorney, LD
On Line, (2007)
Attention Deficit: Therapy Balls for Classroom Seating for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Schilling, Washington et. al., Classroom Seating for Children with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder: Therapy Balls Versus Chairs, American Journal of Occupational
Therapy (Volume 57, Number 5), 2003
Attention Deficit: Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Instructional Strategies and Practices (USDOE)
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services,
Office of Special Education Programs, Teaching Children with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder: Instructional Strategies and Practices, Washington D.C., 2008
Autism: Evidence Based Practices for Children
Evidence Based Practices for Children, Youth and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum
Disorder, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2014.
Autism: Evidence-Based Practice for Students with Severe Disabilities
Browder, D.M., Wood, L., Thompson, J. & Ribbuffo, C. (2014). Evidence-Based Practice for Students with Severe Disabilities, CEEDAR Center, University of Florida (Osep publication identifying methodologies and conent areas for students with severe disabilities)
Behavior Management: PENT, The BSP Desk Reference: A teacher and Behavior Support Team's Guide to Developing and Evaluating Behavior Support Plans
Positive Environments, Network of Trainers, The BSP Desk Reference: A teacher and
Behavior Support Team’s Guide to Developing and Evaluating Behavior Support Plans,
September 2009.
Bullying: Bullying and the Child with Special Needs
Walk a Mile in Their Shoe: Bullying and the Child with Special Needs, Abilitypath.org,
Bullying: Bullying in Schools
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, Bullying in
Schools, 2009.
College: Building the Bridge Between Community College and Word for Students with Disabilities
Stern, D. Building the Bridge Between Community College and Word for Students with
Learning Disabilities, LD On Line (2002)
College: Students with Disabilities Preparing for Post-Secondary Education, USDOE
Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and
Responsibilities, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (2007)
Dyslexia: The Brain Basis of the Phonological Deficit in Dyslexia Independent of IQ
Tanaka, H., Black, J, Hulme, C. et. al, The Brain Basis of the Phonological Deficit in
Dyslexia is Independent of IQ,
Dyslexia: Strategies that Work for Students Grade 9 to 12 with Dyslexia
Kurnoff, S., Strategies that Work for Students Grade 9 to 12 with Dyslexia, LD Online,
Early Intervention: Early Identification and Intervention for Children at Risk for Learning Disabilities
Lange, S. and Thompson, B., "Early Intervention: Early Identification and Interventions for Children at Risk for Learning Disabilities". International Journal of Special Education, Vol. 21. No. 3 (2006). at's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
Early Intervention: Learning Disabilities and Young Children: Identification and Intervention
Learning Disabilities and Young Children, Identificaton and Intervention. National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilties
Evidence Based Practices for Students with Severe Disabilities
Add some more info about this item...
Browder, D.M., Wood, L., Thompson, J. & Ribbuffo, C. (2014). Evidence-Based Practice for Students with Severe Disabilities, CEEDAR Center, University of Florida
Gifted Education: A Guidebook for Supporting the Achievement of Gifted Students with Special Needs
Twice Exceptional Students: A Guidebook for Supporting the Achievement of Gifted
Students with Special Needs (from Montgomery County Public Schools)
Gifted Education: The Twice Exceptional Dilemma
National Education Association
The Twice Exceptional Dilemma, National Education Association (2006).
IEEs: Independent Educational Evaluations at District Expense under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Zirkel, Perry, Independent Educational Evaluations at District Expense under the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Journal of Law and Education, Vol. 38, No. 2,
p. 223
IEPs: FAPE vs. Best
DesGeorges, J., FAPE vs. Best: Oops! Someone Used the Word “BEST”, Hand and Voices,
IEPs: Standards Based Individualized Education Program Examples
Holbrook, Marla, Standards Based Individualized Education Program Examples, National
Association of State Directors of Special Education, August 2007
Inclusion and Mainstreaming: Inclusion versus Full Inclusion
Fuchs, Douglas and Lynn, Inclusion versus Full Inclusion,
Inclusion and Mainstreaming: OSEP policy letter supporting Preschool LRE
Add some more info about this item...
OSEP policy guidance manding that public schools consider LRE for preschool even if they do not operate a public preschool program. If the student's needs can be met in a "regular' preschool program, LRE mandates it. Schools can implement IEPS in a variety of settings including community based preschools, day care, Headstart, kindergarten.
Kindergarten Readiness: Poway Unified School District Checklist
Kindergarten Readiness checklist (Poway Unified School District )
Preschool: Handbook on Transition from Early Childhood Special Education Programs
California Department of Education 2005
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
Preschool: Preschool Adequacy and Efficiency in California
Karoly, Lynn, Preschool Adequacy and Efficiency in California, Issues, Policy Options and
Recommendations, Rand Corporation (2009)
Reading Instruction: Report of the National Reading Panel
Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching Children to Read, National Institution of
Health, (2006)
Reading Instruction: Report of the National Reading Panel
Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching Children to Read, National Institution of
Health, (2006)
Related Services: Guidelines for Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy in California Public Schools
Guidelines for Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy in California Public Schools,
Second Edition, California Department of Education (2012)
Retention: Frequently Asked Questions about Retention and Grading
California Department of Education (FAQs)
Promotion, Retention and Grading, California Department of Education (Frequently
Asked questions)
Retention: Grade Retention Achievement and Mental Health Outcomes
Anderson, Whipple, et. al., National Association of School Psychologists, Grade
Retention Achievement and Mental Health Outcomes,
Retention: Position Paper on Student Grade Retention and Social Promotion
National Association of School Psychologists, Position Paper on Student Grade Retention
and Social Promotion
Section 504: Frequently Asked Questions About Section 504
Frequently Asked Questions About Section 504 and the Education of Children with
Disabilities, Office of Civil Rights,
Section 504: Understanding the Difference Between IDEA and Section 504
Understanding the Difference Between IDEA and Section 504, Council for Exceptional
Children, LD Online,
Services/Supports: Paraprofessionals, NCLB Paraprofessional Non-Regulatory Gudance
No Child Left Behind – Title I Paraprofessionals (Non Regulatory Guidance) March, 2004
Services/Supports: Paraprofessionals, NCLB Paraprofessional Non-Regulatory Gudance
No Child Left Behind – Title I Paraprofessionals (Non Regulatory Guidance) March, 2004
Services/Supports: Diabetic Student Services Under IDEA/Section 504
KC Settlement and Legal Advisory - California Department of Education
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
Special Programs: COGMED research
Links to 60+ articles about COGMED
Special Programs: Fast Forward - Improved English Skills by Students (Deer Valley Research)
Improved English Language Skills by Students in the Deer Valley Unified School District
who used Fast ForWord Products: 2008-2009, Scientific Learning
Special Programs: Fast Forward Training for Children with Language and Reading Problems
Result of Fast Forward Training for Children with Language and Reading Problems,
National Field Trial Results, Scientific Learning Corporation(1999)
Special Programs: Interactive Metronome Information
Links to research/articles on Interactive Metronome
Special Programs: Programs for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students, CDE Guidelines
Programs for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students, Guidelines for Quality Standards,
California Department of Education, 2000
Special Programs: Relationship Development Intervention - Developing a Treatment Program to Address Social/Emotional Deficits in Autism
Gutstein, S., Relationship Development Intervention: Developing a Treatment Program
to Address the Unique Social and Emotional Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorders,
Autism Spectrum Quarterly, Winter 2005.
Transition: Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Transition to Adulthood (Virginia Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Student Services (2010)
Virginia Department of Education publication with comprehensive information about transition
Transition: Transition to Adult Living
California Department of Education Guide
Training Modules for the Transition to Adult Living: An information and Resource Guide :
Amy Langerman does not sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of any of the materials appearing in any of the links.